
Santiago Island

Santiago is a mosaic of dazzling contrasts! Vibrant urban areas, amazing beaches and hillsides, multifaceted rural areas and an invaluable historical and cultural heritage make the island a must for anyone who wants to delve a little deeper into the essence of Cape Verdeanness. 

The island of Santiago is the largest in the archipelago and is home to more than half the population, ranging from Cape Verdeans from all the islands to emigrants from all over the world, mainly concentrated in the city of Praia, the country's capital. In the capital, a stroll through the historic Plateau area and a visit to Sucupira, a colorful and pulsating local market where you can find a bit of everything, are essential!

Cidade Velha (formerly Ribeira Grande) is a must-see when you come to Santiago. It was the first city built by Europeans in the tropics and the first capital of Cape Verde, and is considered by many to be the cradle of our nation. Due to its historical importance, Cidade Velha has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 2009. Here you can see the ruins of the oldest colonial church in the world, the symbolic Pelourinho, the imposing Forte Real de São Filipe, the romantic Rua das Bananas, among others.

The interior of Santiago is covered with chameleon-like landscapes that change from dry red to dense green at the drop of a hat. The evergreen Serra Malagueta natural park is a necessary passage for those who enjoy a walk in the freshness of pine and eucalyptus forests, crowned by scenic views over the Ribeira Principal. 

Santiago also has sea beaches! Praia do Tarrafal, Praia-Baixo, São Francisco, Ribeira de Prata and Kebra Kanela are just a few on the menu. A visit to Tarrafal should not be without a visit to the historic Concentration Camp (Campo da Morte Lenta), now the Resistance Museum. 

Santiago is rich in culture and traditions, so you can't leave without dancing a "cotxi po" (Funaná), or enjoying the "da cu torno" of the locals. The cuisine is another highlight; the beef stew with totoco or corn pasta is a personal favorite! And passing through Santo Domingo, you must try the traditional corn pastry. 

Santiago is essence. Come and feel it!