Monte Cara - São Vicente Island

Monte Cara is a 490-meter-high rock formation located to the west of the historic Porto Grande Bay, opposite the capital Mindelo.

A postcard from the island of São Vicente, Monte Cara owes its name to the shape of a human face looking up at the sky. The guardian of the city of Mindelo, this wonder of nature offers one of the most splendid sunsets in the country.

Monte Cara has a captive place in the hearts of the people of Mindelo and has inspired poets and artists. The eternal Cesária Évora already sang its praises:

"Mr. St. Vincent

Se bô tem um pilom pa cutchi midje

Bô has Monte Cara para namorá

Bô has Porto Grande pa maravilha" *

*Estrofe from the song Monte Cara; composed by Toy Vieira, performed by Cesária Évora

Monte Cara was voted one of the 7 Wonders of Cape Verde in the category "Mountains, mountain ranges and cliffs, which include the mountains, alignments and mountain massifs in the interior of the territory or on its coast".